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James Gardner Mental Health and Trauma Coach

Are you ready to overcome your obstacles and start living the life you've always dreamed of?

It's time to build your self-confidence, break free from feelings of sadness, and embrace happiness and fulfilment. 

Let's make it happen.

Book a chat to get started.

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Rebuild your life after trauma quick start guide ebook

Don’t be stuck in a life that’s not working for you longer than you have to.

Rebuild Your Life After Trauma: Quick-Start Guide

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Hi, I'm James, your
mental health coach.

Have you got so far in life, to a point in time where you wonder if this is as good as it gets? Are you stuck just existing in a  life that’s not making you feel happy and fulfilled? What’s holding you back from living a rich and meaningful life; a life you enjoy living, not endure existing.


Having spent three-decades trying to put my life back together after it was torn apart in a catastrophic car crash when I was five, I’ve learned from experience how to get the best out of life.


People often ask me how I’ve survived all the challenges I’ve had to deal with over the years. It boils down to multiple things, mostly; confidence and mindset.  If you build the confidence to be yourself, and don’t let anything get in your way, you can build a  life you enjoy living.


Let me show you how to gain the confidence and mindset you need to live a full and rich life. A life free from anxiety and depression, free from sleepless nights full of worry and hopelessness.


​Create a life without restrictions free from pain and suffering.

Coach James Gardener
How to heal from trauma and ptsd book cover



From self-development expert James Gardner

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Do you feel as though your life has fallen apart, the wheels have come off?

No matter what you do, nothing seems to work. Are you tired of being tired, and going round in circles?

Have you had enough?

After years of trying to piece his life back together, it wasn’t until someone asked James if he had ever dealt with his trauma, from the car accident? This was the monumental Aha! James had been missing to complete the puzzle of living life again.


Spending two-years researching the psychology of trauma, leading to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), James found the light at the end of the tunnel he’d been seeking.

Astounded that nobody from the health profession had mentioned anything about trauma to him before, James put all his findings about trauma, and life’s wisdom into his second book, which many people have called a ‘game-changer’. 


Five-star reviews, and amazing feedback.

Five star reviews

"A fascinating and informative book. Jargon-free, and backed up with research from some big-named experts."

"An invaluable resource, written by a very courageous and inspirational man." 

Wendy Savage

Work with me

If you are reading this page, chances are you’re here because you are unhappy with your current life, looking for a way to get better and be better?


Perhaps you are feeling as if life’s going on around you, but you’re not a part of it? Maybe you feel stuck, unable to get what you want out of life, feeling anxious and hopeless about the future and angry with the way life has treated you?


If any of the above has resonated with you, just know that there is a way forward, a better future out there waiting for you.


Not many people know that stress and trauma may be the cause of their turmoil. I never knew, I was being held back in life because of the years of un-processed emotional trauma which acted like car breaks, preventing me from making any progress in life.


If you’ve tried myriad therapies, pills and potions to no avail, perhaps you have omitted the underlying issue which is emotional trauma – and your mental health – that’s sabotaging your efforts.


You might be wondering if this can work for you; can it be as simple as working on your emotional trauma and addressing your mental health?


The answer is YES, and I am proof that if you put in the work, you can achieve things you deemed impossible.


There are many gurus and acclaimed “experts” all promising quick-fixes, but the truth is there are not many people who have experienced and lived through intense trauma, so they deliver from a textbook that has little basis on real life.


Getting support from somebody who has first-hand dealings with trauma and can fully relate to you is the most important thing in finding the right kind of help.


I have spent decades dealing with trauma and its emotional aftermaths. Over those years of feeling alone and stuck in a world I didn’t belong in I have sought help from many sources, and tried a plethora of therapies, from Reiki to crystal healing.


Despite all my best efforts I still felt broken until I was introduced to coaching and the world of personal development.


It makes so much sense now looking back on it, but to overcome trauma I had to outgrow it and develop myself to become robust enough to deal with what had happened. Trauma – and life for that matter – can break us, and we cannot deal with things from a state of being broken.


I was first introduced to coaching when I interviewed Jack Canfield, and then years later I did Mastery University with Tony Robbins – which was life- changing. And most recently, I have studied and trained to become a certified professional coach with iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching).


I have a vast toolbox of life experience, and learned skills to draw from to help my clients truly become the person they want to be.


Athletes get a coach to help them reach the top of their field. A West End singer hires a singing coach to make sure they hit the right notes on the night and give an audience-worthy performance every time.


Why shouldn’t you have that luxury, too: someone to help you get the best out of your life?


To help you feel happy and fulfilled. Somebody to help, support and guide you to get from where you are now, to where you want to be?


As a coach, I will help you uncover your blind spots that are holding you back, from living the life you want.


It’s hard to see the wood from the trees when you are living in survival mode. It helps to get a new perspective from an expert, who knows the way out of the nightmare you might be stuck in.


There is no time like now, to start creating and living the life you want. Your dreams won’t come alive unless you do.

When you work with me you will benefit from:

I will listen fully to understand you

Support you to get you to where you want to be in life

Give you the space and time needed to get the outcome you want

I want the best for you and will be your cheerleader

I had the pleasure of a coaching session with James. He's an expert at what he does, and knows his stuff. He keeps the conversation simple making you feel safe and calm throughout. 


James, I cannot thank you enough for your dedication and empathy.

Lynda H

After coaching with James I've lost 23lbs in five months. I'm also pretty happy with "who I am" now. James, you were right! There was no "off work me". I am now working on myself, and defining who I am as a man.


You really helped me move forward, thank you!

John G

My coaching time with James was wonderful. I felt really seen and heard and when telling him about difficult memories I felt held and cared for. James knew when I was in my head instead of my body.


I whole-heartedly recommend coaching with James as he goes that extra mile with you.

Kim B

About James

At aged five, James was involved in a catastrophic car crash which resulted in him sustaining massive brain damage and being left paralysed.

Waking up from a coma, not knowing who he was, James has had to learn how to rebuild his life from scratch, with many challenges along the way; not just physical, but also psychological and emotional.

Through years of physical therapy and determination, James learned to walk and live again as a person. He never felt that that person was who he was or who he was meant to be. 

It wasn’t until James started to address the emotional scars of trauma that he felt truly alive again, with a spark in his swagger.

After some coaching from Jack Canfield, whilst interviewing Jack for a magazine, James’ life changed forever. As a result of speaking to Jack, James became aware of PTSD. After researching PTSD, James wrote a book about it to share all of these epiphanies with the world. 

James has now become a certified coach to help people overcome their obstacles and challenges so that they can live their best life.

Coach James


  • Where do you see clients?
    I work via Zoom (worldwide), meaning you can stay in the comfort of your own home - or be wherever is convenient for you.
  • How long is a session?
    All coaching sessions are 60 minutes.
  • How do I make an appointment?
    Let’s begin with a no-fee call. This is an informal chat to get to know each other, and see if we’re a good fit to work together. I only work with people I feel I connect with, otherwise without rapport, results will be minimal, and ultimately I want the best for you. Click here to book your call.
  • How much does it cost?
    £65 per 60 minute session
  • When do you see clients?
    Mon-Fri: 9am-9pm (time is in UK GMT) Saturday: 9am-5pm (time is in UK GMT) Sunday: Closed

If you are ready to transform your life; let's talk!

Book a no-fee call today so we can chat and plot the best way forward that works for you.

Click the button below to book your appointment.

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